Custom T-Shirts


Our custom adult t-shirts can be personalised with your favourite photos, graphics or phrases to create a unique and thoughtful gift or a personalised shirt for yourself.

The durability of these shirts combined with cutting-edge colour printing technology allows you to create vibrant designs to showcase your brand or create a sense of camaraderie amongst the group at your next party or event.

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Our custom adult t-shirts can be personalised with your favourite photos, graphics or phrases to create a unique and thoughtful gift or a personalised shirt for yourself.

The durability of these shirts combined with cutting-edge colour printing technology allows you to create vibrant designs to showcase your brand or create a sense of camaraderie amongst the group at your next party or event.

You can even personalise your shirt with pictures of your pet!
Plus, shipping is included with your customised adult t-shirts.

Step 2 – Choose your next step

  • Choose from a selection of colours:
    White, Black, Sports Grey, Light Blue, Red and Dark Grey.
  • Print area of up to 356x406mm depending on the t-shirt size.
    Refer to the size guide for more information.
  • Printed with cutting edge colour printing technology to ensure your design is
    bright and sharp.
  • 100% cotton blend*

* Please note that the sports grey is a blend of 90% cotton and 10% polyester.

Sizing Chart

Sports Grey T-Shirts are made of 90% Cotton & 10% Polyester
S 460mm 710mm 356mm 406mm
M 510mm 740mm 356mm 406mm
L 560mm 770mm 356mm 406mm
XL 610mm 790mm 356mm 406mm
2XL 660mm 830mm 356mm 406mm
3XL 710mm 850mm 356mm 406mm

Artwork requirements

  • For the best print quality, uploadedimages are to be as close to 300dpi as possible.
  • The maximum printable image area is 356mm wide x 406mm high however we will scale the image supplied dependent on the size of the garment
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Custom T-Shirts
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